And He held Her Hands 3
sidenote: this was on fictionpress several days ago. Was too lazy to upload here
Blade of Grass
The couple waltzed to the morning music, completely oblivious to the obvious mass of people surging in the same direction. Stares bore down on them and they broke ranks, flushing in embarrassment and delight.
Gradually, they bounded to the assembly area, hand in hand, letting go only when the discipline master reared his ugly head.
She looked across to where he stood and relished at the sight of his hair, brown in the morning sun. Somehow, she liked it better when his hair was slightly brown; it gave him an ethereal feel, adding a dash of attractiveness.
The disciplinarian began his usual morning sermon, usually concentrating on the issue of wayward students. This morning, however, he shared a boring and mind-numbing lecture on relationships. As he spoke, she twirled her hair playfully with her fingers, gazing at the rising sun. She glanced over once more, but he was no longer standing upright. Instead, his back was hunched and he was staring intently at his feet.
Finally, as the “colourless” individual left the podium, the students started moving off to class. She scooted over and grasped his hand, the blade of grass in between their hands.
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